Visualisations for (bidirectional) Likert scale data
Zac Dempsey and Dr Matt Cooper
December 16, 2024
Bidirectional Likert-style questions are widely employed as a survey instrument within research. Unlike ordinal Likert-style responses, which are often used to broadly obtain quantities (e.g., “glasses of water per day”) or ratings (e.g., “rate the food between 1 and 10”), bidirectional Likert-style responses are useful for assessing attitudes, perceptions or satisfaction with a particular policy or program.
In this post, similar to our previous blog post on ordinal Likert-style data, we are interested in “pre/post” data (collected before and after some intervention) and we are aiming to find a concise way to visualise and summarise the responses at each time point - as well as the change in responses between time points.
Bidirectional Likert data
Bidirectional (bipolar) Likert data involves category responses with a natural ordering of responses from two opposing directions—typically both negative and positive responses—around a central (or neutral) point.
An example. “The amount of reading I do influences how much reading my child does?” with response options:
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree (the neutral midpoint)
Strongly agree
Demo data
Let’s start with simulating a single survey question, before (pre) and after (post) an intervention, for participants in either an intervention or control program.
We would like to visualise and summarise the responses both before and after the program (separately), as well as the change in responses between time periods (increase/no change/decrease), across both the intervention and control programs.
library(thekidsbiostats) # install with remotes::install_github("The-Kids-Biostats/thekidsbiostats")set.seed(123) # For reproducibility# Parametersq <-1# Number of bidirectional Likert questions to simulaten_i <-200# Number of intervention respondentsn_c <-150# Number of control respondentsn <- n_i + n_c # Total number of participants# Define Likert scale labelslikert_labels <-c("Strongly disagree", "Disagree", "Neutral", "Agree", "Strongly agree")# Simulate pre-survey responses (randomly sampled from the Likert scale 1-5)pre <-matrix(sample(1:5, n * q, replace =TRUE), nrow = n, ncol = q)# Function to simulate post-survey responses with both improvement and decline possibilitiessimulate_post <-function(pre_response) {# Define possible changes with corresponding probabilities possible_changes <-c(-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3) probabilities <-c(0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.4, 0.15, 0.1, 0.05) # "No change" is most likely post_response <- pre_response +sample(possible_changes, 1, prob = probabilities)# Ensure post_response remains within the bounds of the Likert scale (1 to 5) post_response <-max(1, min(5, post_response))return(post_response)}# Simulate post-survey responsespost <-apply(pre, 2, function(x) sapply(x, simulate_post))# Convert numeric values to factors with labelspre <-apply(pre, 2, factor, levels =1:5, labels = likert_labels)post <-apply(post, 2, factor, levels =1:5, labels = likert_labels)# Combine the pre and post datadat_likert <-data.frame(id =1:n,mode =c(rep("Intervention", n_i), rep("Control", n_c)), pre, post)# Rename the columns to reflect pre and post datacolnames(dat_likert)[3:(2+ q)] <-paste0("Q", 1:q, "_pre")colnames(dat_likert)[(3+ q):(2+2* q)] <-paste0("Q", 1:q, "_post")dat_likert <- dat_likert %>% as_tibble %>%pivot_longer(cols =contains("Q1"), names_to ="time", names_prefix ="Q1_", values_to ="Q1") %>%mutate(time =factor(time, c("pre", "post")),Q1 =factor(Q1, likert_labels))
We have created a function to visualise these data at each period, separately for the intervention and controls groups. As we presented in another previous blog), functions can be a useful way to compartmentalise and generalise code, and to save on “copy and pasting” (potentially lengthy) chunks that are otherwise largely very similar.
This function is bidirect_plot().
Some of the arguments for this function are:
grouping_var – Variable that defines how to group data, within a single plot, on the y-axis.
facet_var – Variable that defines separate facets (panels) in the plot.
outcome_var – Variable that defines the question of interest.
label_threshold – Minimum proportion threshold (as a percentage) for displaying labels on the bars.
fill_colour – Vector of colours used for the segments of the stacked bars.
hline – A logical flag (TRUE/FALSE) to determine whether a horizontal dashed line should be added to the plot.
hline_threshold – If hline is TRUE, the x-axis position of the horizontal line.
... – Additional arguments passed to thekidsbiostats::theme_institute(), allowing customization of the plot theme.
We called this hline even though the line is vertical. That is because within the code, we use coord_flip() to turn the originally vertical plot into a horizontal plot.
All other arguments merely control other formatting options such as text size, label rounding, legend positioning, etc.
Click below to expand and review the code within this function.
bidirect_plot <-function(data, grouping_var, facet_var, outcome_var,base_size =14,legend_size = base_size -4,axis_y_size = base_size,label_size =3,label_threshold =5,label_round =1,fill_colour =c("#f56b00", "#fab580", "#eeefef","#a5ccef", "#4a99de"),axis_y_label_lineheight =0.6,legend.position ="bottom",legend.title.position ="left",hline =TRUE,hline_threshold =50, ...){# Reverse the `grouping_var` factors for consistent colouring data <- data %>%mutate(!!sym(grouping_var) :=fct_rev(!!sym(grouping_var)))# Calculate the counts and proportions for each group plot_dat <- data %>%count(!!sym(outcome_var), !!sym(facet_var), !!sym(grouping_var)) %>%group_by(!!sym(facet_var), !!sym(grouping_var)) %>%mutate(prop =100*n/sum(n),pos =cumsum(prop) -0.5*prop) %>% ungroup %>%mutate(!!sym(outcome_var) :=fct_rev(!!sym(outcome_var)))# Create the plot!suppressMessages({ plot <- plot_dat %>%ggplot(aes(x =!!sym(grouping_var), y = prop, fill =!!sym(outcome_var))) +geom_bar(stat ="identity", position ="stack",width =0.7) +geom_text(aes(label =ifelse(prop >= label_threshold, paste0(n, " (", round_vec(prop, label_round), "%)"), ""), y = pos),size = label_size,family ="Barlow") +facet_wrap(as.formula(paste("~", facet_var)), ncol =1) +coord_flip() + thekidsbiostats::theme_institute(base_size = base_size, ...) +scale_fill_manual(values =rev(fill_colour)) +scale_y_continuous(expand =c(0, 0)) +# y axis in-line with plot labels (no spacing)scale_x_discrete(expand =expansion(add =c(0.5, 0.5))) +# Spacing between bar and plot area (bottom, top) guides(fill =guide_legend(title ="Response",reverse =TRUE)) +theme(# x axis formattingaxis.title.x =element_blank(),axis.ticks.x =element_blank(),axis.text.x =element_blank(),# y axis formattingaxis.title.y =element_blank(),axis.text.y =element_text(size = axis_y_size, lineheight = axis_y_label_lineheight),# Legend formattinglegend.position = legend.position,legend.title.position = legend.title.position,legend.text =element_text(size = legend_size),# Miscellaneous formattingpanel.grid.major.x =element_blank(),plot.margin =margin(t =10, r =15, b =5, l =15)) })if (hline ==TRUE){ plot <- plot +geom_hline(yintercept = hline_threshold, linetype ="dashed", colour ="red") } elseif (hline ==FALSE){ plot <- plot }return(plot) }
And then, simply calling this function and passing data into it returns our plot:
We can further contextualise these results by stratifying the change in responses by response selected in the pre time period. This can be really useful to see which pre groups are the biggest movers.
To stick with the “function-writing” theme of this blog, let’s define another stratified summary table function, bidirect_table.
The above figure and tables are certainly not perfect. Each of the functions have quite a few arguments, which adds flexibility, but they may not suit all scenarios (and there is scope for adding even more arguments).
The figure succinctly shows all the raw data (counts and percentages), clearly delineates the pre and post data, and gives a broad view of the overall responses before and after the program for each group. We can then move to the table to unpack how the intervention might influence participant responses over time further by looking at how participant opinions change (increase/no change/decrease) depending on their response before the program.
Thanks to Wesley Billingham and Dr Elizabeth McKinnon for providing feedback on and reviewing this post.
You can look forward to seeing posts from these other team members here in the coming weeks and months.
Reproducibility Information
To access the .qmd (Quarto markdown) files as well as any R scripts or data that was used in this post, please visit our GitHub: